Available courses

This Learning Resource introduces Vocations Advisers and Assistant DDOs to the core concepts of pioneering and how to discern a pioneer calling. As it is specific to vocations processes and those who participate in them, it is not an open-access resource, but some of its content, or adapted versions, will be included in forthcoming content on fresh expressions of church.

Access: Invitation Only
Course delivery: Online
Learning Resource Creator: The Revd Mark Rodel

Ministry Discernment Groups take place in person for people exploring a vocation to some form of recognised ministry in the Diocese of Ely. The groups happen over four sessions in person. This page contains the resources participants need to support their learning.

Access: Invitation Only
Course delivery: Remote (on Zoom)
Learning Resource Creator: The Revd David Newton
Access: Open Access
Course delivery: Online
Learning Resource Creator: Church House Publishing
Access: Open Access
Course delivery: Online
Learning Resource Creator: Church House Publishing
Access: Open Access
Course delivery: Online
Learning Resource Creator: Church House Publishing
Access: Open Access
Course delivery: Online
Learning Resource Creator: Church House Publishing
Access: Open Access
Course delivery: Blended (in-person and online)
Learning Resource Creator: Church House Publishing
Access: Open Access
Course delivery: Blended (in-person and online)
Learning Resource Creator: Church House Publishing
Access: Open Access
Course delivery: Blended (in-person and online)
Learning Resource Creator: Church House Publishing
Access: Open Access
Course delivery: Blended (in-person and online)
Learning Resource Creator: Church House Publishing
Access: Open Access
Course delivery: Blended (in-person and online)
Learning Resource Creator: Church House Publishing
Access: Open Access
Course delivery: Blended (in-person and online)
Learning Resource Creator: Church House Publishing
Access: Open Access
Course delivery: Blended (in-person and online)
Learning Resource Creator: Church House Publishing
Access: Open Access
Course delivery: Blended (in-person and online)
Learning Resource Creator: Church House Publishing
In Growing as a Disciple, we delve into the Bible, getting the big story of the way God has worked in the lives of very ordinary people to bring about his purposes and our salvation. We zoom in to look at particular stories and ask, where are we in this story, and what about our journey of faith?
Access: Invitation Only
Course delivery: In-person
Learning Resource Creator: Amanda Tuck and Christina Barry

The creation of this new resource for the Diocese has been specially commissioned. It is for people in parishes preparing for confirmation. Each session starts with one of the Bishop's questions at a Confirmation service and combines prayer, video clips, Bible study and questions for reflection. The six sessions are suitable for group or solo learning, with specific instructions for each.

Access: Invitation Only
Course delivery: Blended (in-person and online)
Learning Resource Creator: The Revd Bryony Taylor
Faith Questions is a free resource from Church Army exploring the difficult questions we come across in our lives. It doesn’t seek to give easy answers, but instead learn from the wisdom of our predecessors in faith, and give space for participants to reflect and discover what they think about these ideas. Answer difficult questions about your faith; be confident in sharing your faith with others.
Access: Open Access
Course delivery: Blended (in-person and online)
Learning Resource Creator: Church Army
Faith Pictures is a free resource from Church Army designed to enable and encourage people of all traditions to reflect on their own faith and think about what metaphors and language they will use to talk about their faith with others. It’s designed to be accessible and helpful to people new to faith and others who have been Christians for longer but need space to gather their experiences and thoughts together.
Access: Open Access
Course delivery: Blended (in-person and online)
Learning Resource Creator: Church Army
Faith Shared is a free resource from Church Army that helps us reflect on what evangelism actually is, practice sharing our story, and recognise those moments when it’s good to share. It helps us connect our personal stories to the story of Jesus and explore ways the local church can connect with people around stories of faith.
Access: Open Access
Course delivery: Blended (in-person and online)
Learning Resource Creator: Church Army

Generously shared with us by the Diocese of Sheffield, this learning resource is a helpful complement to in-person training for new churchwardens with lots of helpful information about how you get to be a warden and what the role involves. If you are not yet a churchwardens but would like to use the toolkit as part of your discernment about whether to take on the role, get in touch and ask us for the enrolment key.

Access: Invitation Only
Course delivery: Online
Learning Resource Creator: Diocese of Sheffield

The Preparing to Study Theology, Mission and Ministry Learning Resource has been created to help those about to embark on training for Licensed Lay Minister (LLM) training. Our training partner, the Eastern Region Ministry Course (ERMC), delivers the two-year LLM course, but Preparing to Study is a briefer programme to help people step into a new mode of learning and thinking.

Access: Invitation Only
Course delivery: In-person
Learning Resource Creator: The Revd Dr Jonathan Torrance